Hello friends, locals, travelers, and future guests,
For those who have visited White Bay Villas here on Jost Van Dyke before, we would first like to say thank you. We are fully aware that you already know what an adventure the journey can be like getting here!
We know that your trip to White Bay doesn't begin the moment you step foot off the boat onto the island of Jost Van Dyke or end the moment you leave our beautiful beaches. Your adventure begins the very moment you book your trip and continues even after you return home. When you travel to visit us, it makes you a part of our little island family forever.

In alignment with building both our physical and virtual community, we want to create a long-term relationship with you to help us advocate causes that will enhance everyone's experiences on Jost Van Dyke.
Sign Up Here to Support our Seaports
What's Going On -
The 2019 British Virgin Islands General Elections are coming up on February 25th. We want to make sure the officials that are elected hear directly from you about how critically important it is to very substantially, and with a great sense of urgency, improve our seaports of entry.
In doing so, we will not only benefit the local population and businesses here in the Virgin Islands but also have a dramatically improved effect on visitors and people traveling here from all over the world.
Current conditions of Dog Hole, Jost Van Dyke seaport ferry pier. Please note that the buildings were destroyed from the hurricanes and have not been touched since. A makeshift tent welcomes our visitors.

Benefits of Your Support:
- More efficient and smoother travel to and from the BVI and US Virgin Islands
- Raising government awareness of the tremendous importance of having fully functioning seaports of entry, that contribute not only to the travel experience but to the economy of the British Virgin Islands and Jost Van Dyke.
- Having more time to spend in Jost Van Dyke with fewer hassles traveling to and from the island.
- You become an overseas ambassador to all visitors of Jost Van Dyke by making a non-financial, moral contribution of support to the cause.
- Having a “vote” by making your voice heard. There are 150 registered voters in Jost Van Dyke which represents just 1% of the 15,000 registered voters in the British Virgin Islands. You can make our 1% far stronger by representing the visitors of Jost Van Dyke.
- Fully functioning seaports of entry will bring back daily scheduled direct ferry service between St. Thomas, St. John, and Jost Van Dyke. This will make it much more economical to get here. With less money being spent getting here you have more money to enjoy on your vacation.
The reality is that Hurricane Irma devasted the British Virgin Islands. Since then, elected officials have been continuously promising and breaking those promises about improvements to the seaports of entry at West End, Tortola and here on Jost Van Dyke. Without these improvements, direct ferry service to and from St. Thomas, St. John, and Jost Van Dyke will not commence. We are making this appeal to you for help because broadening the message to the elected government officials will have a demonstrable impact on them. The election is just days away and there will undoubtedly be fresh faces that will need to hear from you as they take their seats for the first time.
Sign Up Here to Support our Seaports

By taking action, we are telling our government representatives that they can do better and that we want them to do better. We want to create a show of support to let officials know that we notice what isn’t being done and it is important to everyone that something is done about it.
We ask that you join us in support of improving these seaports of entry and help us make your adventure to Jost Van Dyke a better and easier one. This is our opportunity, please sign up below.
Steps in the Process:
1. Click the button below to Sign Up in support of bettering the seaports of entry in West End, Tortola and Jost Van Dyke.
2. On February 27th, after the elections, we will send email correspondence for you to take action. You will receive a link to follow that opens an auto-populated email, all you will have to do is hit send. The email will be sent to the newly elected officials in support of bettering these seaports of entry.
3. You're done! That's all it takes to make your voice heard and show support for the betterment of Jost Van Dyke and the Virgin Islands.
Sign Up Here to Support our Seaports
Thank you again for your continued support and standing with us, we know our combined efforts will make a difference!
- White Bay Villas' Staff